MLWR Moonlit Waters Rattery

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NARR: 14BVR0036/03F
Nickname: GLaDOS
Color: Mink
Ears: Standard
Coat: Standard
Markings: Self
Carries: Russian blue. D.O.B. 08/10/14
Litter Page: The Willbloop litter at BVR
Breeding Status:Potential Breeder
Show Results: Not yet shown
Notes:GLaDOS is a hefty girl with great size for her age! She is pretty and very friendly, at the door looking for attention as soon as she got home here and settling in nicely with the other girls with no issues. She has a sister with a cataract, which is unusual at such an early age and possibly genetic, but not a major issue as far as quality of life and lifespan, so it is something we will keep an eye on here. However we are hoping she helps us bring good size as well as good respiratory health to our lines. We are looking forward to watching her develop and determining some plans for her!

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