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AZUR Schneeball Schlact ("Snowball Fight"), aka "Schnee"

NARR: 08AZUR0043/06NM
Color: Russian Blue
Ears: Dumbo
Coat: Standard
Markings: Berkshire
D.O.B. 6/19/2008
Litter Page: Bessie x Cadbury Litter at AZUR
D.O.D. 3/29/2011
Cause of death: Age related
Breeding Status: Neutered, Pet Only, Never Bred
Show Results: Not Shown

Notes: Schnee came to me with his brother Gus when he was almost 6 months old, to keep Chortle company. The stress of moving at that age (hormones kicking in), traveling that far, ending up in a new place, and passing through several hands on the way here was a bit much for him, and resulted in him giving me a severe bite. He and his brother remained a bit on the skittish side, and after a couple more bad, but less severe bites it was decided that neutering him might be a helpful thing to get him to settle down. It helped ALOT, and after a few months of careful introductions he and his brother are now happily sharing their cage with Chortle. Though he is still a little skittish, he's turned into a kissy, sweet boy in stable surroundings, and enjoys getting scritches and treats. He's got quite a bit of personality and can be great fun to watch as he sprints around the cage at times, popcorning around like a little pup!

Schnee started to develop some hind end weakness around his 32 month mark, but still gets around well and enjoys hanging out with the other rats. He enjoys chin scritches and giving kisses, and is usually found hanging out in the highest hammock in the cage. He's become quite a sweet old man and a great guy to have around!

Schnee died at home and was found just a few hours after having been looking for treats laying in one of his favorite cube hammocks apparently sleeping. He showed no signs of respiratory distress at any point and his only significant problem was some hind end weakness and weight loss due to the lost muscle mass. He appeared to have gone peacefully in his sleep.

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